Ununited Anconeal Process

Ununited anconeal process (UAP) describes an abnormal formation of the elbow joint. UAP tends to be a heritable disease of large and giant breed male dogs. Lameness due to UAP is typically seen by 6-12 months of age. Affected dogs limp on the affected limb(s) after activity; lameness may be intermittent. Physical examination reveals a limited range of motion and/or pain in the elbow joint. Definitive diagnosis requires x-rays of the elbow joints. If the dog appears lame on only one limb, the opposite limb should also be x-rayed as UAP may occur on both sides in a third of the cases. Affected dogs, diagnosed early before arthritis settles into the joint, may benefit from surgical removal of the malformed anconeal process to relieve acute pain. Surgery is unlikely to be of benefit in dogs that present after arthritis has settled into the joint. Regardless of whether surgery is done or not, dogs with UAP will eventually develop arthritis in the joint. To slow down the progression of arthritis, your pet should be maintained at an ideal body weight to limit pressure on the elbows. Nutritional supplements and anti-inflammatories can be beneficial in minimizing the inflammation in the joints. Your veterinarian may also recommend physical therapy to keep the elbow joint flexible and the supporting muscles strong.

Red Barn Veterinary Medical Center

3767 E Highland Rd
Howell, Michigan, 48843

Phone: 517-548-6563

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